My Feature Modification Request Wish List (in no particular order):
1. Similar to being able to clone models and Skuid pages, it would be a tremendous time-saver to also be able to clone the following items:
- Table filters
- Conditions
- Page Assignments
- Lookup filters
- Tabs (in page layouts)
- Buttons
3. Some sort of tool to help with cleanup of:
- models - unused fields, etc.
- pages and page assignments - to determine pages are not assigned, not active, referencing invalid fields, etc.
- The ability to create folders seem like a logical place to start
- The ability to customize the “allow ordering”, order by, # of records to show, as well as some of the fields.
The last two aren’t specifically feature modifications - just general wants for my Skuid wish list:
6. More starter page pre-built templates, including the following:
- Mobile starter page templates
- “Complete” example - meaning all of the various Skuid pages, VF page override code, etc. packaged together that could be imported for use together - but are already working together as a pre-built
- For the existing documentation it would be great if the screenshots were updated to reflect latest Skuid and Salesforce versions
- Downloadable copies of the Skuid pages/components shown in the Deep Dive sessions
- Think of the community doing the work in #5 for Skuid