Has anyone done anything with broadcasting events between Lightning Components and a Skuid page embedded together in a Lightning App? For example:
<skuid:page name="MySkuidPage"/>
Two questions really:
- Is it possible for myComponent to emit events that can be received in MySkuidPage?
- And can MySkuidPage emit events that can be received in myComponent?
This page suggests it should be possible, though having used the code (with some slight modifications to call my own event) in an app similar to the above, there’s an error “Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin “https://{mydomainhere}.lightning.force.com”; from accessing a cross-origin frame.” I think this may be the LockerService restrictions. I’ve tried rolling back the API versions of the components to v35, but I get the same error message.
Has anyone experimented with this or have thoughts on if it is possible?