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If I am willing to make some minor changes in page then Is it possible to view code generated for skuid page?

Not exactly sure what you mean, but here are a few options. 

The skuid page builder is really just creating an XML document.  You can see that XML at any time by going to the bottom right of the builder page.  Its in small blue print but its there “View/Edit XML”.   There is a lot of hackery possible by working directly in the xml document. 

The rendered page shown to user depends on a pretty substantial set of server side apex and client side javascript,  all of which is pretty much innaccessible.  Sorry. 

But much of what renders that page is available to review through our Javascript API.  Get in the console and use the API Commands in our reference documents  ( and you can see a lot of what is going on behind the scenes and figure out how to extend it. 

Does this help? 
