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Nintex Community Menu Bar

Our users often stay logged in and with a dashboard page active in a browser window for a couple hours at a time. We use page includes and tabs and sliding panels so sometimes there is no automatic trigger to refresh tables and deck and rich text components that may become stale as the time works on info. 
1) adding a setting in component settings for “add refresh button”  which would just put a little refresh icon at the top of a table or deck so the user could click it to requery the model
2) timed refresh settings in model settings that would automatically requery a model unless there were unsaved changes every _________ minutes. 

Right now I just make a button or global action to refresh the models but a setting on the component or model would streamline this process.


Agreed Raymond, auto-refresh of Models would be very nice. Having some built-in Refresh icons/buttons within certain components, e.g. Tables / Lists, would also be helpful.

One thing that makes timed refresh settings on Models tricky to implement is that there needs to be some way to determine when / how to “stop” polling for changes, otherwise the timed Model refresh could end up inadvertently keeping a user’s session alive longer than it should be. Detecting user “inactivity” and halting the timed refresh, then re-activating it if the user reengages with the page, is a wrinkle to this that makes implementation tricky.

Reality ruins most of my good ideas.