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We are trying to invoke a skuid page when viewing an account page of a specific record type, SkuidPage for only a specific profile.

So we tried a couple of visualforce pages to override the View action for Accounts.

The first one we tried that redirects to a skuid page

<apex:page standardController=“Account”




The result is correct for system administrators. The account’s with record type SkuidPage gets the skuid page while other types of accounts get the standard Salesforce view page. However, users with the profile who needs to see the same skuid page only gets the standard Salesforce view page no matter what Skuid page assignment we tried.

We then tried embedding the skuid page on the visualforce page.

<apex:page standardController=“Account”

showHeader=“true” sidebar=“false” showChat=“false”

readonly=“true” docType=“html-5.0”>

<skuid:page page=“SkuidPage” actiontype=“View” objecttype=“Account”/>


The result of the above visualforce page is the the Skuid page is invoked no matter the acccout type, profile and Skuid page assignment.


The first visualforce page that redirects to Skuid is what you want to use.  You can then add page assignments in any combination that you need.

Have you checked that the other group/profile where this redirect is not working is licensed for Skuid?  This could be the problem.  Skuid will send you back to the standard view if you are not licensed for Skuid.



Hi Bill,

Below is the items we did to try to assign the user the Skuid page.

  • We gave this user a Skuid license. This is the only user of his profile assigned a skuid license.

  • I shared Page to the user’s role in Shared Settings.

  • We assigned the user’s profile and record type to the skuid page using Skuid’s page assignment. 




One other thing to check is Permission Set assignment.  Skuid adds a ‘Skuid Viewer’ permission set that your user needs.  You can assign this manually or have Skuid handle it for you.  Go to the Skuid app.  Then select ‘Configure->User Licensing/Permissions’.  You can add any profile here where you want Skuid to handle assigning and removing permission sets.




Some other things to check:

  • Is the VisualForce page available to that profile? In the setup menu, click on Security next to the appropriate VF page and make sure that person’s profile is an enabled profile. 

  • What happens if you make Pages and Page Assignment Read Only in the Org wide defaults (setup menu / security controls / sharing settings)? 

  • Did you override the appropriate buttons/links/actions?


Thank you Bill and Karen,

I used both of your suggestions to make our Skuid page interface work. I also added page assignments for organization default for the specific account record type and all account record types and assigned them the standard layouts. Now only the only assigned profiles (with Skuid license) will get the skuid page for the specific record type. Otherwise, the account view shows the standard Salesforce account view.

Glad it’s working for you, Westley!
