Urgent problem, as our customer community is down and they are heavily reliant on it to obtain their order and shipment statuses.
We were upgraded to Summer '16 over the weekend and we run a SF community using VF pages that redirect to Skuid pages.
We have a custom domain, mycommunity.com and use the “other situation” page assignments to redirect users to the branded Skuid page instead of the Internal Skuid page. That previously worked great. The user would click on the Name field of a record, and see the record with a visible url of mycommunity.com/. All was great.
Now, the url has mycommunity.com/s/detail/ and the user gets a url not found error. Manually taking out the /s/detail creates a redirect back to the /s/detail page, and thus the same error. So our community users can’t access any detail pages at all… which is a big problem for us.
This is happening in my sandbox (on Rockaway) and in Production (On Banzai.)
Any help would be appreciated!!