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I’ve created a Queue for Tasks and we’re unable to assign Tasks to it in Skuid.

To test this you’ll need to create a queue and include the Task object for this Queue.

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true" tabtooverride="Task"> <models> <model id="Task" limit="1" query="false" createrowifnonefound="true" datasource="salesforce" sobject="Task"> <fields> <field id="Subject"/> <field id="OwnerId"/> <field id="Owner.Name"/> </fields> <conditions/> <actions/> </model> </models> <components> <pagetitle model="Task" uniqueid="sk-3qgp-302"> <maintitle> <template>New {{Model.label}}</template> </maintitle> <subtitle> <template>{{Model.labelPlural}}</template> </subtitle> <actions> <action type="savecancel" afterCancel="/{{Model.KeyPrefix}}/o" afterSave="/{{Id}}" rollbackonanyerror="true" uniqueid="sk-3qgp-300"/> </actions> </pagetitle> <basicfieldeditor showsavecancel="false" showheader="true" model="Task" mode="edit" uniqueid="sk-3qgp-315"> <columns> <column width="50%"> <sections> <section title="Basics"> <fields> <field id="Subject" uniqueid="sk-3qgp-310"/> </fields> </section> </sections> </column> <column width="50%"> <sections> <section title="Additional Info"> <fields> <field uniqueid="sk-3qgs-344" id="OwnerId"/> </fields> </section> </sections> </column> </columns> </basicfieldeditor> </components> <resources> <labels/> <css/> <javascript/> <actionsequences uniqueid="sk-3qgr-340"/> </resources> <styles> <styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/> </styles> </skuidpage> 


Apparently API version 42.0 needs to be used in order to assign a task to a Queue.

Looks as though Skuid uses an older version. Is this correct? If so, what is the ETA to start using V42.0 or higher?

Pat, it looks like this should be available in Spark Update 3 (coming soon) which will update Skuid to Salesforce API v48.

HI Matt! I hope you guys are staying safe and well! can you contextualize ( 🙂 ) “coming soon”? we are going to need to execute this as well.
Thanks for all you do!

ps- hi Pat!
