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Feels like this would have been asked before but cant find it.

If you wanted to “replace” the Salesforce Reports tab with a number of Skuid reports, are there best practices or templates with how to organize these? I know what many of the options are I’m trying to see who’s gone through the trial and error to find the best UI for this. I’d assume the Skuid team uses their product for reports vs. Salesforce when needed what’s that look like? Others?

Non Lightning options for now.

Buttons on a page that launch a report?
Queue page to launch?
Tabs (ugh)?

Two words, Navigation Component. We used this exact framework and it worked for us perfectly; however, just remember that if your’re managing this page you’ll need to keep it updated. There’s no way to automatically add a navigation component when you’re going from 2017 -> 2018.

Regardless though, direct links will bring you back into classic salesforce. Don’t know if that’d be an issue for you. There may be a better way to do this, but you can build a pretty amazing reports page if you’re fancy with CSS, wrappers, and responsive grids.

Responsive grids are a must if you’re going to be embedding your ‘Reports Page’ elsewhere

Thanks for response! I think I should have had 2 parts. Yours was for Salesforce reports which is helpful, but what about for Skuid Charts and graphs serving as Salesforce Reports? So not building any salesforce reports but using Skuid pages as replacements?


I have not built anything to replace Salesforce reports.  What I am suggesting is based on building other things using Salesforce.

I think you should add a custom ‘Report’ object with a lookup field to Skuid pages.  You can then show the custom object as your ‘list of report’ in a table view.  You would use the skuid__Page__c lookup field to ‘open’ the report (add a template field to your table with the following syntax:  ‘/apex/skuid__ui?page={{{pagelookupfieldname__r.Name}}}’.  The custom object could also have a field for ‘folders’ (a picklist if your needs are simple or another lookup to another object if you want your users to ‘create folders’).  I can also see a textarea field to store a ‘Description’ of the report.

You can also set the sharing for the ‘Report’ object to Private and allow your users to share reports with their colleagues (one at a time).  You can also setup ‘Queues’ that groups of users can see that would allow your users to ‘share’ reports with multiple users.

It won’t matter what type of skuid page you are viewing (charts versus list view) since you are just ‘viewing’ whatever page you are designating as a report.



Yes, this is good thanks! I kept coming at it from starting with Skuid persepective and was having a little trouble…though guess buttons etc would technically work but i think I like this approach much better. I’ll play with it and see what i think but I get it and since leverages native Salesforce (Custom Object) I like it even better.

Actually already have a custom object “Reports” and was using it for Conga reports in some way but now I think we can combine. Perfect! Thanks much!


We had to move our app to Lightning over last few months but now able to come back to this. I’m not understanding the syntax to “open” the page. Including the link seems to open the Page in page builder but I’m not clear what the template field does or how that works to open it instead.

Also, with the Lightning Components do we think this approach would still work there given that hardcoding URLs seems to be out now?

Bill, Ok never mind I see it. When you said “template” I thought you meant Skuid since they have templates and didn’t understand how that would work. I used a Salesforce formula field and see exactly what you mean. Thanks!