I just got an email from Salesforce titled the same as the title in this post; the email indicated that redirections are going to be phased out and no longer supported.
One of the items they mention is “*.force.com” hostnames.
I’m currently running my Salesforce UI completely through SKUID, so my URLs currently look like “https://mysite--skuid.vf.force.com/apex/skuid__ui?page=PageName”
Do I need to worry about this? Is this going to be affected by this change?
A linked article ( Help And Training Community ) said that I can disable my redirects in the My Domain settings to see how this change would affect me when Salesforce forces the redirects disabled. I did so, and was unaffected. I’m not sure if I am totally understanding this though because the previous article did seem to mention that “*.force.com” URLs are being phased out.
Any information SKUID has on this topic would be beneficial.