As of last week, I have experienced many instances where scheduled bots will not auto load OR the bot will seem as it loads but it will not auto play/start--At times I am unable to to hit the play or terminate buttons either, and my only option is to x out of the bot. When I x out, the same bot will auto populate again and start running or other times it will auto open but I will still need to hit the play button . Other times it wont auto populate the bot at all, and RPA Central claims the bot is running bot flow so will need to pause and terminate on RPA central, and then will need to reboot the machine for scheduled bots to kick off.
I am also experiencing issues when the bot flow is finished, at times it will not auto close the bot although all tasks have been completed which does not allow for new scheduled bot to start.
Anyone else having similar issues? Not to mention, I am also seeing the “Error has occurred” error message on the Instances Screen in RPA Central quite often.
I am on Bot 17.14 and RPA Central 2.13.0.