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Nintex Community Menu Bar

In RPA LE how do perform a Data / Refresh All? I have tried targeting the menu bar and sending ^Alt+A+R+A] but sometimes it doesn’t trigger. Is there are way to make it refresh all? I tried using an Excel macro but I also have to enter user/pass credentials and RPA won’t give control back until the macro is done.

Hi AlanWard,

I have also seen inconsistency when sending 3 or more keyboard presses from a single action. Here’s a couple of workarounds you can try:

  1. Send the Excel shortcut for Refresh All, l^Ctrl+Alt+F5]. When setting up this action, ensure you target Excel (not the workbook), and set the keyboard mode to None and speed to Slow.
  2. Split the single action into multiple send values, and include a wait of .5 seconds between each. This will allow Nintex to slowly press each keystroke, ensuring it doesn’t mistype.

Let me know if this helps!


Thanks for the suggestion. 1. seemed to work. I couldn’t get 2. to work because it was like the bot was cilcking and releasing during the wait… it wasn’t “holding down the keys”.

@AlanWard @nicknep Also, it is a best practice to set the Speed in the Send Action to Very Slow when sending keystrokes so that it gives the application time to respond. Thanks for responding to the customer Nick! You are a great partner!
