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I am facing issue in installing the Nintex gateway. The installation is struck in the below position which I mentioned in the attachment. It doesn't going further steps.

I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?

Hi @venkat1210 ,


Thanks for reporting this. Could you confirm that you are able to login to NWC from the same machine as you are installing Nintex Gateway?

I would also suggest that you check your event logs for any details.


Kind regards,


Hi @_Ruben 


I am able to access the NWC from the same machine.

but if I go to event logs I saw a error in rpa central. I below description and image is error details.


Category: FoxCentral.Infrastructure.Services.HttpsCertificateService
EventId: 0
RequestId: 80000010-0001-fa00-b63f-84710c7967bb
RequestPath: /api/certificates
SpanId: |94245a61-4c2fbfbc65611d47.
TraceId: 94245a61-4c2fbfbc65611d47
ActionId: b571a594-571a-408e-8e93-1f888b32dd3d
ActionName: FoxCentral.Web.Api.CertificatesController.GetCertificates (RPACentral.Web)

Host rpa-WIN-OQ7ETG97LT7-CA is unknown.


Hi @venkat1210 ,


The RPA Central error is not great of course, but actually not related to the initial issue you reported. 

In the initial issue, you mentioned that the screen gets stuck. Can you describe that in more detail? Is the spinner still running? How long did you wait for? If you close the window, what happens?

Thanks, Vencat1210. Can you please locate your RPA Central log files at %ProgramData%RPA CentralLogFiles and zip/email me the ones from today? Please send directly --


I'd recommend opening a Support case as well.




HI @_Ruben ,

 Is the spinner still running - yes


How long did you wait for - I am waiting from last 3 hours 


If you close the window, what happens - If closed the window, I will ask me to retry

I didn't find any logs in that path
Ok, thanks. Please log a support case. An support engineer will need to take a look together with you.
