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There was a bug in earlier versions of RPA Central that would cause a botflow to get stuck in 'Running' status. Depending on when it was reported to Support and other circumstances surrounding the issue, different resolutions were implemented. 

The bug fix was included in RPA Central version 2.14.

If you had an instance of a botflow stuck in 'Running' status but were still able to run a botflow on that bot afterwards, then we may have told you that it will not affect further botflows and you can just ignore it. If you have more recently experienced a botflow instance that is stuck in 'Running' status and you cannot run any other botflows after that instance, this could be because you created the botflow schedule before the version above and there are some remnants of the bug. 

Please follow the steps below to resolve. If these steps do not help, please open a case with Nintex Support by emailing 




For either of these scenarios below, you will need to delete and re-import the botflow:

- If you have an old 'Running' Botflow instance and recently your botflow doesn't run any longer, it is likely due to the old instance. In version 2.14 of RPA Central, a change was made that if there is a running instance of a botflow, RPA Central will skip the next scheduled run of that specific botflow. 

- If you are having an issue with a botflow that will not run and you cannot terminate the 'Running" instance, it is likely due to a remnant of the bug. 

To resolve either of these issues:

1. Upgrade RPA Central version to v2.14 or newer. We suggest you upgrade to the newest version as other fixes and features are added with each version.
2. Make a copy of the botflow that will not run. You can export it from the bot under 'Botflow' in the toolbar.
3. Go to RPA Central and delete the botflow.
**Please note: that your instance history for that botflow only will be deleted as well. If you use this history for reporting, please see the Additional Information section for more information. 
4. Re-import the botflow by clicking Botflow in the toolbar of the Bot and Import Botflow. 



Additional Information

If you use your RPA Central instance history for reporting purposes, a workaround is to skip step 3 above and import the copy of your botflow. When you save the botflow, the Bot will ask you to rename it. At this point you can rename it the same as the old botflow, with a 1 (or another character of your choice) at the end and RPA Central will see this as a different botflow and therefore it will run successfully. When you look at the Instances page for reporting, you will need to look at both botflow names for the information. 

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