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I am working on a wizard that copies data from excel to a website, resulting in the return of a new account number that I need to paste back to the same excel document.  Is that possible?  When completed, I would have all the original excel data used to create the account and the column following that data would be the new account number.

Yes @CherylH 

You can do that using Nintex RPA.

Please follow below two guidelines to do that learn about how to use Excel and HTML DAC


Hope above helps you to resolve the issue.

Thank you!  I do know how to get the html object and how to paste to excel.  I just didn’t know how, if possible, to paste the value into the excel document that is being used for extracting data for the wizard.

Hi @CherylH 

Once you generate the account number you can either:

  1. Use the recorder clicking on the new account element on the screen. Once done switching click action of the insert menu by Read from Screen. That will allow you to store the value of the account in a $variable$ that you can paste back into the excel spreadsheet in the same row and column (where you are working the rest of the elements of your spreadsheet) to obtain that new account. You can paste it in the subsequent column.
  2. Use the HTML command Get object value and target the element of the screen where you have the new Account. It will require that you store the element into a $variable$ that you can paste back into the excel spreadsheet in the same row and column (where you are working the rest of the elements of your spreadsheet) to obtain that new account. You can paste it in the subsequent column.

I hope that helps.


Thank you JJ!  I will give them a try.  Right now I am using ‘get html object value’ and it is blank.

Do I also need to add a loop or something to make sure the account number is in the right row on the spreadsheet?  I am trying hard to learn how to use this software and appreciate your help.
