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Actual result:

KEYTAB creation command provided by installer does not reset KVNO.


Expected result:

KEYTAB creation command provided by installer supposed to reset KVNO.



In most cases, our customers use the same service user for upgrades, which causes version number mismatch between LDAP attribute and the value in KEYTAB file.

There is a parameter -kvno 0 in ktpass command which supposes to reset the version number.

Currently, the command provided by the installer does not contain this parameter.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run RPA server installation.
  2. Use service user which previously has a KEYTAB file.
  3. Generate a new KEYTAB file using the command provided by the installer.
  4. Complete installation.
  5. Try to connect the client from a different computer.
  6. See SSO fails.
  7. Optionally, validate the KEYTAB file with kinit command.


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