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How to design the tables, links, colored text using "Send Mail Message" AC

In the attached example you can see how to write HTML code with embedded element styling, for example:

Create a table:


  • Row Delimiter: %%%
  • Column Delimiter: ;;;
  • Table from Excel: Apple;;;4.5%%%Banana;;;3.8


1.      Create the table structure and headers:

Set variable:

  • Name: HTML Table
  • Value:





2.      Next, use "Loop Table" AC to get the current row

a.      Extract from current row:

  • Column 1 into variable "Fruit"
    • Column 2 into variable "Price"

b.      Set variable:

  • Name: HTML Table
    • Value:

$HTML Table$



3.      After loop ends, close the table element so:

Set variable:

  • Name: HTML Table
  • Value:

$HTML Table$


Fruit Price
$Fruit$ $Price$



4.      Add the variable in Send Email Message and test.


Create a link:


  • Case ID: 5001o00004ODpohAAD
  • Case Number: 00006040



1.      Set variable:

  • Name: Salesforce Case Link
  • Value:$Case ID$/view">$Case Number$


Set text Color:


I would like to create the following text in the email:


I am Green

I am Red



  • Green Value: I am Green
  • Red Value: I am Red



1.      Option 1 - Set variable:

  • Name: HTML Message
  • Value:

$Green Value$
$Red Value$

2.      Option 2 - Set variable:

  • Name: HTML Message
  • Value:


$Green Value$

$Red Value$





Things to remember, if the variable needs to contain line break, you can use HTML element
and if you need the lines to be set in separated paragraphs, you need to encapsulate each line with

HTML element (

my paragraph




You can design any HTML element by using HTML tags (see list - and style them using CSS properties under the element (, for example:


  • Normal Background: white
  • Even Row Background: #ADADAD


Variable value:














Fruits Price
Apple 4.5
Banana 3.8
Carrot 4.0
Date 20.99






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