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If you need MSI kits please follow the instructions below.


Below are the instructions:

  1. Navigate to <Drive>:\Nintex\Support Tools\MSI Wrapper.
  2. Run pgplwiz.exe. An application window will open.
  3. Click the "Browse" button and select the respective Robot or Studio Executable.
  4. In the "Command Line Parameters," set the respective config parameters, that are valid for the customer's server like: Main Server Name, Http/NetTcp/HTTPS/Nginx ports, robot/assistant mode, etc.
  • Example: /s ALLUSERS=TRUE NetComPort=8082.
  • Note, for these parameters apply the same rules as for regular cmd parameters.
  • More parameters can be found in additional information section below.
  1. For "Group Policy Display Name" set Nintex Robot/Studio.
  2. Once the parameters are set, click "Save As" and select the name and location of the Output MSI files.
  3. Click "OK" and wait for the file to be generated.
Another option, instead of using the Installer's MSI wrapper, is to download Orca and use to edit the MSI.
Additional Information
Robot CLI parameterMeaningRobot/Studio/both
/s ALLUSERS=TRUEFor a silent installation (default is not silent)Both
/L=”c:\temp\mysetuplog.txt”Will generate a setup log file to a given file name. If folder is not mentioned, it will write to the folder of the setup file.Both
LeoServer=xxxWill set the “MainServerName” config key.
This can contain more than one server name, for example:
It is highly recommended to use the FQDN of the server(s) customer is about to use and put them in this config.
NGINXServer=xxxNginx server FQDNBoth
NGINXProtocol=xxxNginx server protocol: http / httpsBoth
LogonExpert=xxxTRUE=will install Logon Expert (default)
FALSE=will not install Logon Expert
NoPython=xxxTRUE=will not install Python
FALSE=will install Python (default)
IsRobot=XXXTRUE = runs in UnAttended mode
FALSE = runs in Attended Mode
LeoLocale=xxxWill set the “Local” config keyRobot
NetComPort=xxxSets the “NetComPort”  config key - net.tcp portBoth
HttpComPort=xxxSets the “httpComPort” config key  - http portBoth
HttpsComPort=xxxSets the “httpsComPort” config key  - https portBoth
AddToStartup=xxxTRUE = adds the robot in registry to launch automatically upon user login
FALSE = do not adds the robot to launch in user login
NoDesktop=xxxTRUE = do not add icon to the user desktop.
Good for cases running under SYSTEM user and setup fails because SYSTEM user does not have a desktop.

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