I am trying to do a Document Generation Workflow, that is triggered by a user that selects certain filters for a report.
I query a sharepoint list “Risks” (query has conditions based on the form filters) that will act as a parent list, it will contain header information in the report.
Then I have a Loop for Each action on the Risks Collection. Within the Loop for each, I query another Sharepoint List, called Controls, to bring back all Controls where Risk list ID = Controls List [Risk ID].
The Controls list acts as the child.
Can I configure the Document Generation action to have repeating data within another set of repeating data?
ie I want a report that has a section for each Risk, that has Risk Name, Description etc, then a table that shows all the controls for that risk.
I have been trying to make it work, but If I have loop for each Risk, then query sharepoint Controls list, then the workflow only remembers the last set of controls.
Nintex also won’t let me add a “Loop for each” as repeating data...
Any ideas much appreciated!