Updated Process Mapping Expert - Author Certification Exam live on Nintex University

  • 31 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Good day!

We’ve recently updated the certification exam: Process Mapping Expert - Author on Nintex University. Questions and answers have been rewritten to be concise and accurate, focusing on simplified English.

The exam was updated in place to avoid disruption. However, you may receive a message stating that the exam (or quiz, as our LMS calls it) has been modified since you started taking it. Just click Retake Quiz, and you’ll get to take the updated version.

If you run into any other issues, please send me a private message here or at enablement@nintex.com.

Best of luck with the updated exam!


4 replies

Badge +2

Hi Sam - Thanks for the update. Can you tell me exactly what day it was updated? I took it last Friday. 

Also, for the scenarios, should we assume that the process flows are correct? It seems like some of them are open to interpretation which can lead to different answers. 


Thank you. 

Badge +2

Hi @Nintex_Sam - I have taken the advanced exam three times now. I have gone over and over every question numerous times and I’m still not passing. Is there any way to find out what I’m missing. The answers are often more complex then necessary. This is becoming really frustrating. Any guidance is appreciated. I’d really like to understand which ones that I missed so that I can research the correct answers. Honestly I’m really concerned that the exam isn’t scoring things correctly. 

Thanks for your help. I think its a great product and we want to continue using this internally and with our clients but I’ve got to get over this hurdle. 


Thank you


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Howdy, @ericahi - 

Apologies for missing your message on the exam. I sent you a private message to follow up with some options.



Badge +2

Thanks @Nintex_Sam 
