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Release 2: March 2022

Performance improvements and resolved issues

  • Fixed an issue where lines or bullet points in notes and tasks created using the process editor would not print correctly. When adding new lines to a task or note attachment, users have to save the process for the new lines to print correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where legacy feedback options could not be resolved. They can now be resolved from the feedback panel and the corresponding dashboard notifications will be cleared.

  • Fixed an issue where special characters in feedback were not displaying correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where timeframes couldn't be saved due to language formatting.

  • Fixed an issue where the Process Review Dates didn't display the process reference number.

  • Fixed an issue where the section timeout error would not be displayed when a user session expired.

  • Fixed an issue where lean tags weren't underlined when not using the # character.

  • Process content on map pop-ups can now be highlighted and copied to the clipboard.

  • Fixed an issue where PDFs could not be exported for certain reports.

  • Fixed an issue where images weren’t displaying for certain users.

  • Fixed an issue with the process change log was displaying changes for different processes with the same name.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking a todo item on the edit page would not scroll to the related item.

  • Fixed an issue where archived documents were not removed from unpublished processes. They will now be removed overnight and will include a change log entry.

  • Fixed an issue where an XPDL export of a process would create duplicate keys and prevent imports into other BPMN tools.

  • Fixed an issue where favourites would not display if the variation add-on was disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where archived variations would display in the selector for minimode processes.

  • Fixed an issue where a closed incident change log would include comments associated to actions in other incidents.

  • Fixed an issue where roles could not be edited after searching or filtering.

  • Fixed an issue where unicode characters were not getting correctly underlined as glossary items.

  • Fixed an issue where suggested processes were appearing in the incorrect groups in the process list report.

  • Fixed an issue where the variation selector would not be displayed when navigating from a group overview minimode map.

  • Fixed an issue where historical feedback would not load correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where an invalid document regex entry prevented saving a process.

  • Auto-importing of new roles is now always applied when importing users via csv. The option to disable the setting has been removed from the user import dialog.

  • Improved performance of the process list report.

  • Improved performance of the permission check for document viewing on the My Changes dashboard.

  • Improved performance of the csv export from the Roles page.


Great list of fixes and some improvements.


I'm a bit confused why lean tags will now be underlined when not using the # character. Does anyone have any clarity on this? I would have thought the absence of a # character would denote the tag is not applicable.

Good day, @EddieThomas!  Thanks for your question regarding lean tags. @KerryHiki, can you help out with this one, please?



Hi @EddieThomas, Tags system/Lean have always underlined, if the keywords specified in the tag settings are found, or prefixed by the hashtag.  The hashtag was introduced as a way to add the tags additionally in the Activity/Task, where the tags may not be included as part of the activity/task text, and this will pop open the list of tags to select from.




Yeah, that's what I thought but the 'improvement' listed in the original post suggests this has been changed to the current functionality.

From a user perspective, it's frustrating when the text is tagged when the hashtag isn't used. For example, we use #Opportunity to identify opportunities for improvement but when the word 'opportunity' is mentioned in a marketing process, it's incorrectly tagged as an opportunity.

Additionally, the tag drop-down menu only appears when the hashtag symbol is entered. If it'll tag any instance of a word (configured as a lean tag), isn't this a bit unintuitive?
If it works in all instances of the word being used then we'll have to use a word that we never use in our processes which seems at odds with the use of a hashtag symbol.

To compound the issue, the documentation clearly states lean tags require a # prefix which is inconsistent with the improvement outlined above.

The documentation states...

Categorise an activity, task or note with Lean tags by hashtagging. It must start with a hashtag symbol (#) followed by any text without spaces.

To add a lean tag, click on the field and type the tag name starting with a #. For example: #Nintex-Automated.

As a senior support engineer, I can't speak for the Product deicsions around this, or if any future developments will be made to this functionality, I'll have to leave that to the product team to address - as someone been involved in this product for 6 years, I can give you some background to the history of how this functionality evolved and that may help understand why it behaves as it does, 


Early on in the System/Lean tag functionality, the hash tags didn't exist and the only way to have these tags in your Process was by including the terms listed in the Admin > Tags section in your Process.  As the functionality was improved, there were requests to be able to add tags to the Process without those terms being included in the Processes, and so the # functionality was introduced, and we introduced a way to remove a tag from a Process if it was tagged using the original method and wasn't required.  


We have clients who use the functionality without ustilising the hashtags, and this form of the functionality is important to their organisation and how they use it. 

@EddieThomas thank you for your input and feedback.

@Penny's explanation and background is correct. The recent change was to bring back the existing functionality as other clients do use tagging without the hashtags.

At this time we have no plans to implement changes in this area, but we do regularly check Uservoice for new ideas and a change to remove this, or add functionality to configure will need to go through our normal prioritisation process.

Thank you for your feedback and helping us make a better product.

That is the opposite of the functionality described in your documentation. states...

"Categorise an activity, task or note with Lean tags by hashtagging. It must start with a hashtag symbol (#) followed by any text without spaces."


Surely if something is being 'fixed' it is restoring functionality to the expected outcome (i.e. the documentation) rather than changing it. As a user, it's difficult to endorse your product when its functionality deviates from the documentation and is described as a 'fix'. What other 'fixes' are in the pipeline that will do something that deviates from the documentation?


UserVoice has many ideas relating to tagging, including a change to the Lean Tag functionality which has been 'planned' since 2019. Is this now 'unplanned'? 


