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Does anyone have a clear definition on how to identify the number of processes that count towards your customer subscription plan? I'd like to be able to know this from time to time, especially as we are in a our first subscription and I get asked about this from my sponsor.

Hi 🙂


Hopefully I have interpreted your question correctly!

When looking at processes that make up the subscription number it will be all processes in your site except for the archived ones and those that have been suggested using the suggested processes functionality. This is irrespective of the process state (unpublished, in progress, published) - they all count towards the process # in a site.


If I have it wrong and you are asking something else or I have confused you please don't hesitate to let me know!



also - the easiest way to see this number is on the organisation dashboard (My dashboard>org name) - see the image attached.

Hi Lauren_R - Thank you for this clarity and example. This makes sense to me.

