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Global update of system name across all processes - is this possible?

  • 11 December 2023
  • 7 replies

We have recently updated our document management system, is there a way that I am able to do a global update across all our processes to update the DMS name, without having to edit them individually?

Thanks in advance!



7 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Good day, @Lesina - 

Is your DMS captured as a System tag in Process Manager?



Badge +1

It is, I tried updating the old DMS name to the new name and re-indexing. But no luck! 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

Here’s what I’ve done in the past:

Add the updated name in the tags section of the old name’s system tag entry. DMS_1 was the original term for this example, and I added DMS_2 to the tags.

When DMS_2 is used in process text, it still pulls in the info from the DMS_1 description.


Badge +1

Thank you Sam! I will give this a go. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

I’d test it out to see if it gets you the results you want, as it’s not a direct 1:1 swap of a term. 

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

HI, wondering if this was the solution? or you found another one?  We also have a large number of processes with a system listed in the procedure details that we need to change.  I’ve found that the tag changes in the bottom tool bar - but the name in the procedure remains the old one.  Wanting to be able to change the name in the procedure level detail without going into hundreds of processes.   Any luck?

Badge +1

Unfortunately it was not. I had to make the changes manually, which was extremely time consuming!
