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Employees from one of the departments wanted to specifically launch robots, on any day when they needed, i.e. not on an ongoing basis, for example every Tuesday, but a completely random day, and even if this situation could be set up for a trigger, so that they would write a letter on any day and the robot would start, but they also had to launch the robot at night, i.e. 00:00 or 01:00, i.e. outside of working hours and they came to us and asked for help with this launch option, that's what they did.


A letter is written to a specific mailbox of specific content. picture 1

then the trigger fires and starts the wizard WIZARD_Delayed_task_start_python_Dup.dwiz


In the process of processing the received information from the letter, the date and time of the launch and the entered names of the wizard and the name of the robot group are checked, if the checks were successful, then files are generated for creating a task in the Windows task scheduler and a file for creating a task via api


When the code is executed, a task is created in the Windows scheduler for any time the customer needs, then when the time comes for the task, it is executed and executes the python code in the file storing the task via api


This mechanism is now working and the employees of the department for which it was created use it


Maybe someone will come in handy or will be interested

Thanks for sharing, this is very intersting!


Great trick..will come in handy...

not a big revision of the moment of creating a task through the api, getting its status was added and returning it in a response letter to the customer, a new file was attached
