- WorkflowInstance - One record for each workflow instance that runs
- WorkflowProgress - Two records for each action that runs in an instance. There is a 'start' and 'end' record for each action to record how long it takes. WorkflowProgress records link back to WorkflowInstance by an InstanceID. An action containing 1 or 2 records determines if an action is 'yellow' or 'green' when viewing the graphical view of a workflow instances progress.
- HumanWorkflow - One record for each workflow action that creates user tasks (Request Approval, Flexi Task, etc). Each record is related to a workflowprogress record.
- HumanWorkflowApprovers - One record for each individual approver assigned to a task. Relates to a HumanWorkflow records.
- DelegationHistory - One record for each time a task is delegated. Relates to a HumanWorkflowApprovers record.
Additional Information
Please note that this is for informational purposes only. Nintex does not recommend that any manipulation of these tables occurs outside of the NWAdmin commands provided:
NWAdmin Guide