Here is the makeup of my workflow, but I am having issues retrieving the email from a user's list, based a username pulled from the XML file. EX: username JaneD to go lookup that username in the list which has these fields. I want it to take varOperator (username) from the XML Query look-cross reference that to look up the username in the list and return the email into the varRequester of the original list.
Query List – Reads the library with XML files IE: Factory Logix XML Import
For Each Step Target collection = colListOfFiles - Store in varXMLPath
Run parallel actions
10 Branches with Query XML = XML Source URL; URL or XML File = varXMLPath EX: Output= /MaterialRequest/RequestedParts/RequestedPart/InternalPart Store in Variable
List of Workflow Variables:
ID = List Item ID
varQuantity = number
varPartNumber = Single Line of text
varUnitOfMeasure = Single Line of text
varXMLPath = Single Line of Text
varNotes = Multiple Lines of text
varRequester = Person or Group
varCreatedDate = Date or Time
varReasonCode = Single line of text
varBatch = Single line of text
varDueDate = Date or Time
varOperation = Single line of text
varFileName = Single line of text
colListofFile = Collection
varOperator = Single Line of text
Then I create Item for the variables which are pulled from the XML files for above variable and create the list item in the “Purchasing Rec Form”
Then I need to do the following to retrieve the Operator from the XML file vriable, cross reference that to a user list, look up the email in the user list and store that in the varRequester variable to create the item for above:
Variable – Requester – Person or Group (Prescence)
Variable – Operator – Text
I have query XML to pull data from the XML file and store in variables.
I need the Operator Variable which is a userID to go to another list and lookup the user id, grab or cross reference the userlist to match userid and then return the email in the user list and store that into the Requester Variable. Which will then create Item in another list and put the requester info (email) in the Requested By column which is a name with presence.