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Hi everyone.  I recently created a workflow which sends out notifications when the Status field on an item is updated to "Executed" or "Lost".  It's working great except for one thing: if someone goes into an item that already has one of those two values in its status field and changes something else, when they hit submit it kicks off the workflow again.  I know this is because I made the start of the workflow conditional on the status being equal to "Executed" or "Lost", but I want it to only send out notifications when the item is first updated to either of those values.  If someone goes in later and adds text or changes another field, I don't want the workflow to run again, as it is only meant to notify people when the Status field changes.  So if someone changes something but the Status field remains "Executed" for example, I don't want it to send out another notification on that item.  


I hope this makes sense!  Can anyone tell me how to do this?

When configuring your conditional start options, be sure to use the 'previous value' as a condition:


In this example, you can set the workflow start only on item modification when Status = Final where it wasn't equal to Final before.


You should be able to do the same with your scenario with an 'or' also.
