I wish to automatically create x number of items in a SP Custom list. For this I am using below steps, but the loop runs only 1 time and remains in in-progress state after that.
- Start by creating an Integer variable (named x) and set it to the value from the form of the number of items you want to create in the list.
- Next add a Loop action and configure it as: Condition is "if any value equals value", Where "Workflow Data" x, is greater than, Value 0.
- Inside the Loop action, add and configure the create item action (i.e. "Create item" or "Create item in another site" action).
- Then inside the Loop action and after the previous step, add a Math Operation action and configure it as:
- Calculation "Workflow Data" x
- Minus
- Value 1
- Store result in = x
Only 1 single item gets created and nothing really happens after that. Any idea why this is happening?
Note: This is for SharePoint 2019 on-Prem version of Nintex.