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I’d like to ask if the message and a some seconds/minutes timeout at workflow start is normal?


When I start workflow sometimes “the white browser window” remains open for some time.

I checked in the background the the workkflow is waiting for start.

Translation from Polish.

If an error occurs or this workflow stops responding, it can be terminated.
Terminate this workflow.
This workflow is scheduled to start soon.

After workflow starts the windows is automatically closed.

I was trying to manipulate withe the parameter with no luck.


#Set-SPFarmConfig -WorkflowPostponeThreshold 15 / 50
#Set-SPFarmConfig -WorkflowBatchSize 100 / 500
#Set-SPFarmConfig -WorkflowEventDeliveryTimeout 5 / 180


I will be grateful for any advice.


Best regards, Marek


Hi @Marek Papala,

Nintex for SharePoint uses SharePoints workflow engine.

Do you see the same issues when you run a workflow created with SharePoint Designer?

The properties you are adjusting belong to Microsoft. You should consult Microsoft support for help with these properties.
If an environment is healthy, these properties should not require adjustment. The issue is usually with the workflow timer service, workflow history buildup, or the list where the workflow is being executed having too many items in it.


I don’t use workflows created with Sharepoint Designer.

It is weird that sometimes workflow starts after a long time, but the next item with the same workflow starts immediately. No rules.

It is weird that sometimes workflow starts after a long time, but the next item with the same workflow starts immediately. No rules.

Sounds like a timer service issue.  Sometimes it's busy and sometimes it's not.

Thank you! Maybe you are right, Unfortunately I don’t have any idea how to check the timer service.
