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Nintex Community Menu Bar

1. Is it possible with just Rules?

if not

2. Can someone point me to a good jQuery tutorial that does just that?


3. Wouldn't it be easier to just reload the whole thing?


Thank you!

This is indeed doable with just the rules, and would be a lot faster than reloading the page. I assume you wanna just "clear out" the information input into any of the controls inside of a panel when it's hidden, however it would be incredibly helpful if you could include a screenshot of the Panel and Controls in question so that we can better understand how to approach it. 



Hello MegaJerk 🙂 


Here is the screenshot of the form. I have 3 choices at the top, and 3 panels that are hidden initially. Each panel has a set of choices and the next choice is displayed when the user answers a previous question. So, unnecessarily complicated but that's what client wanted. Right now I have selections clear with jQuery when the user selects a different Choice at the top. But I would love to know how to clear choices with Rules.

Are you using Responsive Forms or Classic? I can't tell from that screenshot.

This is classic (we have outdated tech).
