After running NWAdmin PurgeHistoryListData and NWAdmin PurgeWorkflowData, the WorkflowProgress table within the SQL database does not get cleaned up. Still old entries reside in the table. This causes the WorkflowProgress table to exceed the threshold of 50.000 datasets. I have even tried to clean up using the stored procedure "dbo.PurgeWorkflowData", but still no luck. Also using the GUI in the Central Administration did make any difference.
May I delete these old / not needed entries within the WorkflowProgress table via a T-SQL DELETE statement or will this cause issues?
Is there another way to clean up the DB tables?
Thank's in advance, any help is highly appreciated
Used Commands:
NWAdmin.exe –o PurgeHistoryListData -siteUrl -lastActivityBefore 2022-01-01 -state Completed
NWAdmin.exe -o PurgeWorkflowData -state All -url -lastActivityBeforeUTC 2022-01-01
USE LMy_Nintex_Database_Name_DB1]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = tdbo].aPurgeWorkflowData]
@lastActivityDate = N'2022-01-01'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
-> I get "0" as return value, which seems to mean there was no error running the procedure. However, nothing happens. There are still more than 50.000 entries inside the WorkflowProgress table, most of them having a data stamp prior to the defined "lastActivityDate".