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How do I set up default values for fields in a form. I need to fill a few form field with User Profile information (WorkPhone, EMail, PreferredName, Department), but the user should be able to override the default values. 

the userProfileLookup() function does not seem to work in the field default value.

On submission I need the form field value to be written to the connected SPList field.

best regards

Lars Kohsel

Hi @LarsKohsel,

Thank you for your thought-provoking solution.
The issue is confusion between “Runtime Functions” and “Inline Functions.”

userProfileLookup() is a runtime function and not an inline function.  You can only use an inline function to set a default for a single-line text control.
The userProfileLookup() function can mainly be used in a calculated value control, but unfortunately, the control's data cannot be edited. 
