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Hello - I’m using K2 Five Workflows ...When I go to the K2 Management console, select a workflow, and click on Reports it takes a very long time to generate the report output.  3-5 minutes is typical (for me) before all the different report sections complete. It can take up to 10 minutes. 

Our support group is able generate full report in under 30 seconds on their computer. Side Note:  I am running the report from the Greater Detroit Area  … The Support Group is located in India … The network paths are definitely different.

For me, the issue occurs on all browsers tried (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) and on any workflow selected.  The browser DevTools show a group of xhr requests that are Pending in the time column for a long time …. I assume these are the calls getting the data for the various report parts.

I’ve gone to 3 different computers using different OS and browsers

Has anyone else encountered K2 Five Workflow Reports taking a long time to generate? 

Might there be something associated with my ID within the system that is causing slow report generation? 


By going to different computers, using various OS, using different browsers, and using different network connections - I have to assume it is my ID? 



I have not seen this behavior before, so some additional debugging will be necessary.

  1.  To rule out network path, is it faster if you try to load the site and reports on the K2 server?  If no K2 Server access, can you RDP/VPN to a jump server that is in India and test from there?
  2. Can you test with another user in the Greater Detroit area who does not have a lot of workflow permissions in K2, is it faster for them?  Perhaps your account have more ‘admin’, ‘view’, ‘view participate’ workflow rights than other users, so you are able to see more and as such load more reporting data.
  3. If older reporting data is no longer needed, have you consider archiving data?


As return to revisit the issue as originally posted … magically … all K2 Management Console reports are now generating / displaying in under 30 seconds with most sub 20 seconds.  Something somewhere appears to have gotten reset or restarted.  At least I have the original issue documented in a screen recording and attached to our corporate ticketing system for future reference.


Thanx to all for the help!  Very much appreciated !! 
