Hi, The space character should look like " ", you just typed it as "". Try to keep a space character in between the double quotes
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString(mNum),"%20","") change to
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString(mNum),"%20"," ")
If it does not work, try below.
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString({TextStart}mNum){TextEnd},"%20"," "), more details in this article
Should i replace TextStart and TextEnd with anything, just copy and paste?
I have tried both, still no luck
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString({%}mNum){0},"%20"," ")
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString({TextStart}mNum){TextEnd},"%20"," ")
No, just copy paste the {TextStart} and {TextEnd} as is, Nintex understands to consider the string in betwen these two words for processing. Please see the article that I mentioned in previous reply.
Hi Team,
Anyone has an idea on this. please.......................
@pfudala Can you please help on this.
@ramanjjilunaidu Try this:
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString({TextStart}mNum{TextEnd}),"%20"," ")
@Nunezma tried as it is still no use.
fn-Replace(fn-GetQueryString({TextStart}mNum{TextEnd}),"%20"," ")
result still same => Complete%20write-off%20exercise
Can you try a second calculated field?
First getquerystring and then try removing %20 from Complete%20write-off%20exercise that field and see if it works?
Or try this: