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I am working on the Nintex form, where once the submit button is clicked, it should show different response page based on the field selection that was made.

Is there a way that I can achieve above scenario.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

Which version of Nintex Forms and which designer (responsive or classic) are you using?

I am new to Nintex form, how do I check the version and it is a default designer ?

Are you using SharePoint on-premise (SharePoint 2013, 2016, or 2019), SharePoint online, or Nintex Automation Cloud?

If you’re using SharePoint on-premise, then you have the option to create a Nintex form in the classic designer or responsive designer.

If you’re using SharePoint online, then you have the option to create a Nintex form in the classic designer, responsive designer, or new responsive designer.

You can add a screen shot of the form in the designer and that should help determine which version and forms designer you’re using.

Hi @Nandini,

Unfortunately, there is no way to change the redirect URL dynamically.
