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Combine formula from two controls

  • 2 August 2024
  • 2 replies


I have two controls where they are both the same if statement, but one returns the current user and the other returns the date. Is there a way to combine both of these into a single control, so that if box1 equals true, it will return the user and the date?

IF((box1==true), userProfileLookup(Current User,"PreferredName"),"")

IF((box1==true),formatDate(Current Date,"MM/dd/yyyy"),"")

Hi @AndrewDo,

Interesting question.
As the function's output is a string, you can concatenate them.
Something like this should work.

​​​​​​​If((box1==true),userProfileLookup(Current User,"PreferredName”)+ “ “ +formatDate(Current Date,"MM/dd/yyyy”,””)


that worked! thank you!
