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I have a SharePoint List using a Nintex form. The name if the list is "OnboardingOffboarding".
I have several columns that contain data records that was input from the Onboarding panel when entering employee information: "Employee", "Manager", "Employees Email", etc. 
There are 2 panels. One called "Onboarding" and the other is "Offboarding"
There is a 3rd panel that has a main People picker that both panels use named "EmployeeName" that's connected to the "Employee" column that we want to utilize for both panels.
Once a person is populated in people picker and the "Onboarding" panel is chosen, it pre-populates the employee name, manager, employee email, etc. from userProfileLookup. The other fields are textboxes, dates, and dropdowns.  
What I need is when the "Offboarding" panel is chosen and you put in a name in the "EmployeeName" people picker, that it checks and matches the Preferred Name value in the "Employee" column, and if true, displays it in the calculated field named "EmployeeDisplay". Right now, with nothing in that field, it displays #value!.  I am using the following formula in the calcuated value feidl where I want it so display the employee name. 

Lookup("OnboardingOffboarding", "Employee", EmployeeName, "Employee")

I’m calling the list name, the column, the people picker, and checking it against what is in the list column to display. 
When the people picker is populated, it briefly thinks with a “loading” and just produces #value!
I have triple checked all the correct names of fields and lists names within SharePoint.

  List name:

Column name:

PeoplePicker name:

Calcualted Value field:



Hi @jalgarra,

When using references, they do not need to be in double quotes as they are already treated as strings.
Does removing the quotes resolve your issue?


Removing the quotes does get rid of the #value! that was displaying; however, none of the values are being displayed, and in this instance, the people pickers name that it compares from the employee column.


I did find out that what the People Picker is Displaying is:


Although the records in the columns are the display name, so there is something going on why it won’t display the name. It’s just blank. 

IDK, maybe I need to open a new thread but have been banging my head on this.
When you fill out the form fields for Onboarding that are in the Onboarding panel, that all works fine. The data gets put into the appropriate columns. 

I use a workflow variable that puts the display name into the Employee column for each record.

When I do a test of seeing what the People Picker is choosing using a calculated value. 


I get:

Which looks like it is pulling the Login ID.

What gets put into the list looks like this.

 When I try and compare what is in the people picker to what is in the list to display on the offboarding for what is in the list, it returns blank using the following formula.

What am I doing wrong? It should be so simple. All the column, field, and list names are correct. 


Hi @jalgarra,

How is the EmployeeName column configured in SharePoint?

I also tried to set the Show Field to “account”, which displays the format “i:0#.w|win\368623” in the column, but that doesn’t work either when comparing. Still no data showing.  

Hi @jalgarra,

it seems to be returning the account rather than the name.
If you click on the user name in SharePoint, is there an account for the name rather than the name itself?


When the user is populated into the people picker, it definitely loads the account. 

As you  can see I put a testcalcualted column outting the people picker name to see what it is actually pulling.

However, I also had changed the “Show Field” in SharePoint to “Account” instead of “Name” with no change except it shows the “Account” data in the “Employee” column, but it didn’t make a difference when trying to compare what the people picker (EmployeeName) pulling the Account and what was displayed in the “Employee” column.

 In fact, I even put a calculated field that has 

userProfileLookup(EmployeeName, "PreferredName")

 Which just displays what is being shown in the people picker but using the preferred name and it is connected to a whole new column called “PreferredName” that stores it as a text string. Trying to compare that column with what is in the people picker against the preferred name column and lets say show the preferred column for that particular record or row, still displays nothing.


I did, however, get it to work with a list lookup, but using that is not desired as the options for display as I just need text, not options such as dropdown, checkbox, etc. I don’t want to have to write custom css to hide those elements. 

I know it’s hard troubleshooting without not actually seeing it in motion, so my apologies, I’m trying to be as  thorough as possible and appreciate your guidance.
