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I have a SharePoint list which has items > 20000 but the threshold limit is set to 20000 recently on the list.

My Nintex Workflow which was able to delete items from the list is now erroring out because of the threshold limit set. Can you please suggest how i can implement bulk delete using Nintex Workflow on the list which has threshold limit set and have the items more than the threshold limit. 

Requirement is to delete all the items that are set to old. When applying filter and deleting, i am able to delete new items. But old item i am not able to delete them even after applying filter

Data scenario : there are 40000 items. last 20000 items are new and first 20000 items are old.

PLease share any suggestions to get this working as i am stuck with this since a month and i have no clue how to have it get worked.


Thanks in advance.


Hello Everyone,


I got the workflow worked to delete if the list has more than 20000 items( more than the threshold limit set on the list).

I did a simple query on the list. Post that added action to delete items from the list which worked for me.

Posting this here so that those who are facing this issue can try the above trick.


Thanks & Regards,

