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Hi there,



I've created a sharepoint list and created a Nintex form. I wanted it so it'd email a certain team when it was submitted. I've seen the easiest way is to create a workflow with send email action. Which does what I need to, but in the body of the email I created a hyperlink to the form eg. "Click here to process request"  {Workflow Context:Current site URL}/Lists/{Workflow Context:List Name}/EditForm.aspx?ID={Current Item:ID} 


Problem is when I click on the link from the email it says '404 file not found". But I can edit/view the item sitting in the sharepoint list.


I'm using Sharepoint online, Nintex workflow 365, Nintex forms 365


Any help would be much appreciated.


Thank you,


I'm not on 0365 yet on-prem I'd check the following. I'm assuming there is something similar in O365

Send yourself an email with the following:

Link to Item - Item URL
List Name - List Name
Link to Site (Web URL) - Web URL
Link to list - Web URL/Lists/"ListName"/AllItems.aspx

I'd suggest adding your workflow variables to the email as well, then piecing them together.

In the properties of the list v url are there any spaces in the list name. i.e Employee Name v EmployeeName ?

I assume in 0365 you can't do the following for an edititem url ?

All things being equal the output url doesn't match the item in the list.


Hi Andrew,

You're correct, it was along the lines of the incorrect Url. I manually added the url string until it broke, then found that another admin renamed the list slightly. So in sharepoint the list title had renamed correctly however the URL was still the old list name Web URL/Lists/"Old%20List%20Name"/AllItems.aspx. That's why I was able to manually open the items from sharepoint. Ended up recreating the list again. Exported then imported everything so wasn't hard.

So anyone who uses Sharepoint Online beware that if a list (and I'm assuming Document library also) is renamed the title changes but the url */Allitems.aspx won't change. Unless there's a delay in Sharepoint online where it updates correctly. Hope this helps others!

Thank you Andrew!,


have a look here how to build a link to edit form more reliable way 

Hi Andrew & Marian Hatala

I found the Regular expression for Workflow 365. Which did the trick. Thank you both.

I used Build String in my workflow and it worked nicely.  First set a variable to your URL hard coded as something like ListItemURL=

Then in Build String, configure your String as  {Variable:ListItemURL}‍‍{Current Item:ID}  That will concatenate the URL text with item ID.  Set the Output variable to something like DisplayItemURL.  Then in your Email control you can insert your DisplayItemURL and it will be clickable from the email received in your inbox and item will display in browser (no 404 error.)    
