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Since a few days, one of our workflow doesn't start automatically. No error, no message ...


When publishing the workflow, I get the following message :

"Error publishing workflow. Workflow XAML failed validation due to the following errors: The total size of the activity XAML including the referenced XAML is greater than the maximum allowed size of 102400 KB. HTTP headers received from the server - ActivityId: 06cb7e38-c08b-4ef8-a534-1b9c2f3e44d5. NodeId: . Scope: . Client ActivityId : 06137d9f-502b-2000-55c7-9a94f9032fca. The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."


I checked on the forum and found that it's due to the workflow complexity. Well ... Ok, but can you explain me what had change ?

This workflow has been used during 1 year. Last change has been made in January 2020 and it run correctly till August 2020.

Now, without any change on our side, the workflow is suddenly too complex.


Any ideas ?




I had the same problem, saving workflow is successful but fails to publish same error about exceed activity XAML limit 102400KB
