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In SharePoint Online, i'm creating an item on list from a workflow running on another list. On the first list i have a workflow which is configured to trigger on item creation. But that workflow is not getting created when the item is created by another workflow. Also the item created by the workflow is having Created and Modified by as SharePoint App. Are there any setting to make sure the workflow is triggred and created and modified by is the user who triggered the workflow?

This is expected behavior.
You will notice the account that is used when creating the item is the system account. The system account will not trigger a workflow.
This is a Microsoft limitation.

I'm having the same issue as Praveen. I have a list (List 1) with a workflow that runs on new items. That workflow creates an item in another list (List 2). List 2 has a workflow that's supposed to run on new items but it's not. And there are no conditions tied to the trigger that would keep it from running. The only thing that's different between Praveen's issue and mine is that my new items in List 2 are showing as being created and modified by the person who triggered the workflow in List 1. If I manually trigger the workflow in List 2, it runs fine. So I can't figure out why it won't run automatically on newly created items.
