Hi - I have a workflow that triggers an email with an embedded edit url, to open the record in Edit mode so that user can update information in "EmployeeDescription" text box. At that time the following 3 columns are set to the values below:
Status = "Need Information" column type Choice
Activity = "Pending" column type Choice
EDTemp = "NA" column type Single line of text
edit url: https://ComX.sharepoint.com/sites/EmployeesMain/Lists/ActiveEmployees/EditForm.aspx?ID=1
when they submit the changes in the Edit Form, irrespective of update to "EmployeeDescription" text box, I need to update the columns to following values
Status = "Waiting on admin"
Activity = "Approved"
EDTemp = "IsEditModeYes"
I have tried add Rule for EDTemp column in the Nintex forms, for when the form is in edit mode update the value for EDTemp, but its not updating the value. i need to update the 3 columns above when the user save the changes in the Edit form.
Can you please help/guide how to resolve this. I'll really appreciate any help.
Thank You.