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I have a List workflow with a Field: Candidate E-mail address (single line of Text). In the Send Mail action in the TO-field I selected the List -Candidate's email and inserted it. When i hover over the Email address in the List it registers it as an email address,

(i tested the email address and it works)

When i run the Workflow i get a Suspended with this error:"The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the e-mail has a valid recipient."}}}"


What am i doing wrong?


Any suggestions for me?



Hmm, I wonder if for some reason it's adding some type of URL, based on the fact that you mention the "mailto" bit. Try logging the value of the field before your email action, and also see if setting it to a variable and using that variable helps at all.

Thanks Courney, I created a variable for the email address and it worked like a charm.


I have a list with the same conditions described above, and would like to use the indicated solution.

I used a text type variable to assign the text field. Did not work

I used a person type variable and it also did not work.

What am I doing wrong ?

I'm using SP 2010 and NW 2010

Hey ‌, can you give some more details? You have a field on your list of type "single line of text" into which a user puts an email address, and attempting to use this address in a "to" field in a "send email" action in a workflow does not fire correctly? Did you try to use a "set variable" action to set the field to (Ex if your field is called "email address" create a variable of type text called "emailVar" and setting it to the field value of "email address" then using that in your "to" field on your send email action)


Thank you for your prompt response.

Yes, I have a field on my list of type "single line of text" into which I wrote my external email address. In the workflow, I created a variable type text and set it in the "to" field on my send email action and set too my internal email in the “CC” field.

The notification shows the name of the external email (without the domain), but the email does not reach the external address.

Hmm, so there's no error in the workflow, but the external email recipient says they are not receiving it? Have they checked their spam and junk folders? Which email provider are they using?


On the test I put my external address (

I'm going to get in touch with the administrator to check if there are any restrictions on sending external email.
