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Hello friends!


I'm using Nintex for O365 and trying to find a way to get around the fact that we no longer have access to triggering workflows from menu items.

In one case, I have a calculated column which creates a button that sends people to a Start Form - that's all well and fine.

In this other case, I want to create a calculated column button, that, on that ONE click, will trigger the workflow to grab: the logged in user, and the ID that they clicked on. Honestly, I could either trigger a workflow to do this, or just have whatever other wizardry to update ONE status field. 

Any thoughts on how to do this?

I have no idea how to find someone through the "@" in this platform, but, Andrew Glasser originally gave me this article to take a peek at - it's a good'un, but I'm lost on how to apply it to my specific need.

Thanks for any thoughts you have!



@rhia one thought would be to create a site workflow (component) and use the API call to start it from a link. This also gives you the setting to grab the initiators information automatically as part of the workflow process.


Oooooo!! That's a really cool idea, @eharris04 - thank you so much. I'll try that out and get back to you in this thread.

Hey @eharris04  - I'm trying this out, in two different tenants, and am unable to trigger the workflow by hitting the end point manually or from a link. (Pasting the URL with the token into the address bar, pressing "go".) I just get a bunch of JSON, and the workflow doesn't actually run. All I've put in as a test is an email to myself. Should I need to pass parameters to it if there are no variables and it's only a simple action like an email?

After a quick conversation with Chris Ellis, I'm submitting a ticket to see what might be up with this.

Sounds good. Let's see what they say.

So, in speaking to Support, they are telling me that this can not be done - I can't just use it as a URL in a link and have it trigger.

Support says the following:


The generated Component workflow URL will not allow you to start the workflow by itself, it will need to be used to start your workflow from another Nintex for Office 365 workflow or via a HTTPS API endpoint capable service or application.

You can start a component workflow using: Another workflow in your Office 365 tenancy, by using the Run Component Workflow ( action

Any HTTPS-capable application, by sending an HTTPS Post request

For full details on Component Workflows, please check the following link:


@rhia I'm having a similar issue.  I want to launch the workflow from a formatted column in SharePoint like the example you provided and the Microstoft link on that blog about launching a Flow but when I try to work on a JSON script I can't seem to figure it out.  I contacted support and they say they can't support custom code so I am out of luck.  I have searched the web high and low and found almost nothing.

Any further thoughts on this @eharris04 ?

CC @jesse_mchargue 
