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Using the New Responsive Designer in Nintex for Office 365, I need to create a submit rule that will check if "Max Age" is greater than "Min Age" for each row in a repeating section (and throw a validation error if not). I am able to create this rule in the old responsive designer (see "nintex-old-responsive-designer.jpg") but I cannot seem to set the rule up in the new responsive designer as the closest I can get is to select the "minAge" via the form tab in the formula selector, but the dialog implies that this returns the entire array of values rather than the value of the field in the current row (see "nintex-new-responsive-designer-rules.jpg") and hence complains that the "formula return type does not match type 'number').


Out of curiosity, I checked the new repeating section control in NWC and found that it has implemented a "current row" selector in the forms controls (see "nwc-currentrow-selector.jpg") and that makes the rule work as expected (see "nwc-validation.jpg").


So my question is whether my finding is correct that there is no current way to implement a row level validation check on fields in a repeating section with the New Responsive Designer in Nintex for Office 365? Or am I missing something terribly obvious as I can't believe this requirement hasn't already come up. 


Secondly, if that is the case then can we expect the "current row" selector currently implemented in NWC to come to Forms for Office 365?

@spchalfont It is possible you just need to get the array back to a number, it would look like the following:


Additionally row calculations are on the roadmap for next quarter for o365 forms(

Thank you for your reply. It does indeed work. When I looked at that formula, it implied to me at least, that it would be processing the entire array of values from that field in the repeating section (i.e. all rows) rather than the specific current row's value (i.e. take the array of values, convert all of it to text and then convert all of that into a number)! There is no hint in the UI that the formula applies to the current row.


I'm sure you'll agree that this formula (and approach) is a lot less intuitive than what's appeared in the NWC forms designer in just its first iteration. I hope that functionality can find its way into Nintex for Office 365 forms sooner rather than later.


Many thanks again.

@spchalfont The above solution is a workaround that works for now in o365. As mentioned current row is on the road map for next quarter in o365 and will work the same as NWC.
