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We have a strange behaviour since a few weeks :

In Nintex Forms, when we try to enter an integer greater than 999 in a field, it adds automatically a separator (Ex : "1 512"), and the field is not accepted by Nintex

Error message is : "Please enter a valid integer"

We are not able to remove this thousand separator, and we can't validate the form.

Did someone already had this problem ?

Have a nice day,


Jean-Noël GELIS

Just tested this issue and I could not replicate it.
Do you have a test form that you can provide that replicates the issue?
We have tried to create a new list with a new form, and we still have this problem 😕
Do you want the JSON of the form to test ?
I can take a look at it for you if you like.

Thanks a lot for your support.

Here is the JSON (in txt format, JSON are not valid attachements 😉 )

If you need anythin kelase please feel free to contact me.




Sorry I still cannot replicate the issue.
Is the control connected to a column on the SharePoint list?
Maybe the validation error is coming from the column and not the control on the form.

The column is a standard numeric column with no validation or calculated value 😕
I'm going to take a look at our regional settings, to see if it makes any difference.

Hi ! 

I'm facing with the same issue.

To replicate it you need to have a SharePoint site in french (default language in french). this issue come with the last release with the new responsive form.

I have already open a ticket to the support, But I recommend you to open another one.

Just to inform you that this issue has been corrected.

A bug fix have been deploy today

Hello Nico,
Thanks a lot for your information, I confirm that it has been corrected.
Thanks a lot for all your informations.
"Merci beaucoup" 😉
