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I’m building a “New Responsive Design” form and am having an issue where the Lookup function does not return any value if the “Output Column” is a lookup column.

lookup("zzz_Parts","Part Number",toUpper(rForm].pPartNumber]),"Buyer")

The “Buyer” column is a lookup to the Title field in a list of Buyers. 

I am able to return values for every other, non-lookup, column in the list.

This same function returns the expected “<ID>;#<Value>” when used in the other form designs. 

This is my first time using this function in a New Responsive Form.  Is this a limitation?

Hi @ethurber, I tested this and captured a network trace. I see that the following error from SharePoint Online is returned when using the lookup() to retrieve the value of a Lookup column:


"The query to field ''Column Name]' is not valid. The $select query string must specify the target fields and the $expand query string must contains Column Name].

I see that you have an open support case regarding this inquiry. I’ll work with the case owner and the product team to determine how we can move this forward. In the meantime, this doesn’t seem to be possible.
