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I have searched everywhere and tried al kind of things to get this working. Until now unsuccesfull. 

The situation: 

We build a  Nintex form, wich is connected to Sharepoint Online lists.

If a user logs in the form gets two parameters (user and organisational ID) and with this information other data is lookedup about the user. This works fine...... Until we we place it in a Iframe on a Microsoft powerpage. The idea is we like to use the credentials of the logged in user and get the parameter values from their and pass them to the Nintex form. 

Some information i found talks about security policies, and using fluid template wich is build in Powerpages.

It all has the same result: 



It looks like it are two different worlds who will not communicate with each other. 

I tried with making a standard HTML page and an iFrame as specified in the "form url and snippets" and tried to pass the parameters in the url. (Wich later needs to be dynamic) but also errors about security etc. Anyone have ideas?

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