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Hi, trialling Nintex Workflow and have across an issue in a workflow where I need to lookup a code associated with a  SharePoint list Location field.


 I have the following lookup list :



I have a workflow variable "V_Centre" set to "Cardonald" and I want the workflow to search the "Nin_lookup" list and return the code "C1".


I am using the Query List workflow module:



Workflow runs ok but I get the following return value :




instead of just




Anyone help ?



Hello Alan,

You are using the Query List action here - which is generally used for pulling in an array in to a collection variable => pulling mutliple values from one row of a table. The collection variable would then be broken up into constituent variables in a for-next loop.

But - if you only want to pull in the content of one column into your workflow, you should really be using the List Lookup functionality inside either Set Workflow Variable or Update List Item actions.

To pull in a lookup value from this list, you should ...

1. Click on Advanced Lookup, selected List Lookup

2. Set Source to Nin_Lookup in pulldown (your source list)

3. Set Field to Info in pulldown (your source data column)

4. Set When to Title (your source index column)

5. Set Value to Aberdeen (or the value of another control) so that you can filter the list.

6. Click on Insert button to finalize the lookup, then save the Action.

This will give you the filtered value from the list. The above will pull in All - because the list was filtered on the Title column equal to Aberdeen.

Ah - great. That explains it.

Many thanks for your help. Worked first time.

Let me know if you have any follow up questions on that. Cheers
