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I have a workflow where a task gets assigned to someone and the task needs to remain open until marked completed person it was assigned to.  We also need reminders sent to the person it is assigned to.  How is this possible when tasks always have two outcomes?  I obviously don't want the person to click "not completed" on the task form as that would end the task.


Any ideas??

Hi @dperani 


Here is an example using the Task Form (New Responsive)

- Make the Task Outcome control as Read-only (so users is unable to select it)

- Add another control (Choice Dropdown, Choice Radiobutton, YesNo)

- Add a Form rule which will set the Task Outcome to Completed (or Approved or Yes)


The example below uses the Choice Dropdown control. 



Here's a great blog post that I've used successfully in the past:


Back to Basics - No To-Do or Request Data Tasks in O365? No problem! 

