I have a test site with tons of workflows
If I’m looking at the Workflow Health screen, how do I tell which list the workflow belongs to?
From the Workflow Health screen:
Locate your workflow on the page
Click on the link underneath the name of your workflow to open its settings
Look at the url at the top of the Settings: Change a workflow page that appears
It will look something like this:
Highlight and copy the list GUID (the part between “List=” and “&SubscriptionId”)
In this example link the list GUID is:
Back on your site, open a list. Any list. It doesn’t matter which one.
Open List Settings
Edit the URL for List Settings web page
Replace the GUID in the URL with the GUID you copied earlier
For example,
replace the GUID in the URL (the part that follows “List=”):
with the GUID you copied from your workflow URL:
mycompanyname.sharepoint.com/sites/DonnaFoxDev/testnintex/_layouts/15/listedit.aspx?List= abcddbc1-c80b-42f2-b0d7-6a3579762820
Click the URL to open it
Your list’s settings page will appear for the list you are looking for
From there you can click on the list name to go to the list itself